Superb Squamata

Crested Geckos (Rhacodactylus ciliatus)

Believed to be extinct untill the early 1990's these guys are now becoming one of if not the most popular pet lizard.  Their care is simple and cost effective and is in turn very rewarding.  Honestly words cant express how great of a pet these little guys make.

Super Harlequin Super Dalmation

This girl has kicked out some awesome babies. Ridiculous dalmation spotting, and some extreme harlequin patterning.

Chocolate Harley

Nice Chocolate Harley Male. Great producer and fires up dark dark brown.

Red Momma

This girl fires up nice and red on the sides and a nice orange cream on top. Got some nice dalmation going too :).  


My first cresteds.  These were produced by mike at dragontown reptile's neon bloodlines. Some of the babies have ridiculous orange flaming throughout.   

Super Brindle

This guys just awesome.  Another beauty produced by Dragontown.  This guy gets brighter orange every day, and the brindle pattern is out of this world.  Hes sired some awesome babies.

Orange Dalmation

Another very orange girl.  Shes paired up with the Super Brindle above and man are those babys orange.

Gargoyle Geckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)

Just Getting Started with these guys but I should have some babies soon...

The Leachies (Rhacodactylus leachianus)

I love these guys. Cant wait for them the get BIG.

Pine Isle/ Ana Isle cross

His colors are amazing and just getting better.

Isle E

Shes a stunner.

Cat Eyed Gecko (Aeluroscalabotes Felinus)

Cant wait to get some babys out of these babys.  These guys are bizzare, put it this way, if an alien was hiding here on earth disguised as a gecko, this would be the one.

Cat man

This and the pic up above are of the male.  Sweet reds and oranges on this guy.

Cat Woman

Pretty girl.

Spearpoint or Ebans Leaftailed Gecko (Uroplatus ebenaui)

Awesome little geckos hailing from Madagascar. Small LTC quartet with one lucky boy so hoping to be getting some babies soon.

Dumerils Boas

These medium sized boas make excellent pets and have stunning markings.

I am also working with Halmahera Giant Geckos, White Lined Geckos, Red Tail morphs and Bearded Dragons.  Pics will be added soon.